Since 2020, we have heard a lot about “Zuckerbucks” and how they were used to infiltrate election offices across the country through Center for Technology and Civic Life (CTCL) and the Center for Election Innovation and Research (CEIR) grants. CTCL and CEIR passed a staggering $419.5 million of Zuckerberg’s money into local government elections offices in 2020. But Zuckerbucks were just part of the money dumped into stealing the 2020 election by secret liberal progressive alliances and coalitions.
The total amount of money being donated to far-left liberal progressive organizations, through for-profit, taxable non-profits, and non-profits, to “reshape the electorate,” is mind-boggling. And, due to IRS statutes and the taxable status of the organizations, they operate under the cover of secrecy. The donors remain anonymous and the technologies, used for tracking voters and predicting election outcomes, being developed by for-profit companies, like Catalist, are covered by intellectual property rights.
In my opinion, to fix the problems, we need to understand the problems. Here is my analysis at who and how billionaire donors are funding the takeover of our country.
Much of the funding is coming from donor-advised fund (DAF) accounts. A DAF is an investment account where 100% of the proceeds are legally required to go to charitable organizations. Investors who use DAFs take an upfront tax deduction when they contribute to a DAF, but the funds can be distributed at a later date. The assets held in U.S. DAFs have grown by 376 percent over the past 10 years — rocketing from $34 billion in 2010 to $160 billion in 2020. And DAFs now rake in 15 percent of all U.S. individual charitable giving.
Assets put into a DAF are technically owned by a sponsoring organization. These organizations only give funds to organizations as directed by the donor. The fund can make grants to all publicly recognized charitable organizations. Liberal progressive billionaires use DAFs to fund their liberal progressive coalitions of non-profits across the country to orchestrate their agendas.
In 2020, Mark Zuckerberg funneled the $328 million for CTCL grants through the Silicon Valley Community Foundation, the largest community foundation in America and a notable donor to left-wing causes, with over $11 billion in assets. Capital Research Center also discovered a $25 million grant from the taxable non-profit, New Venture Fund, to CTCL, linking the latter to a $1.7 billion “dark money” empire run by Arabella Advisors in Washington, D.C. And, wherever Arabella operates, you can be sure to find the most sophisticated activist campaigns on the Left.
And then there is Democracy Alliance (DA) and its sister organization, the Committee on States, dumping millions into 2020. Democracy Alliance is a collective of left-of-center donors that has been active in orchestrating “the activities of a permanent ‘left infrastructure’” since 2004.” DA discloses little about its activities, which is to regain progressive power at the state level. The money goes toward funding left-leaning organizations that focus on data and analytics, grassroots organizing, messaging and opposition researching, and of course fundraising. The goal is to create durable political machines in each targeted state.
DA was not created to “dole out money itself,” rather it was meant to operate more as an “exclusive collective” of “partners” – billionaires and millionaires, and organizations committed to providing at least $200,000 per year to left-of-center organizations. Billionaire financier George Soros and late Progressive Insurance chairman Peter Lewis are the most notable Democracy Alliance donors, but the list of Democracy Alliance partners includes many “of the biggest names in liberal politics.”
The Committee on States is the state-level counterpart organization to the left-of-center donor conglomerate Democracy Alliance. Like its national counterpart, Committee on States is based on the experience of the liberal donor effort that helped Democratic candidates take control of state government in Colorado after the 2006 midterm elections, known as the Colorado Democracy Alliance.
Committee on States is reportedly a collection of wealthy donors, political operatives, labor unions, environmental groups, and other liberal organizations, similar to the organization of the DA. The organization maintains close ties to the Democracy Alliance and Democracy Alliance’s State Engagement Initiative, two organizations characterized by critics as “dark money” for which Committee on States reportedly handles non-tax-deductible contributions.
In addition to Zuckerberg and his wife, in recent years a handful of other megadonors also began putting tens of millions of their own dollars into political groups they founded and have funded themselves — among them: Tom Steyer and former New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg.
DA and the megadonors are funding a massive network of progressives to infiltrate every aspect imaginable in our states, to take total control of our country. DA has an intense focus on funding groups to get liberal progressive Secretary of States and District Attorneys elected in every state across the country, to name just two of many areas they are heavily invested.
We need to shine the light on this corrupt practice! In 2023, the IRS laws need to change! Let’s hold our representatives’ feet to the fire to make that happen!
Guest Author - Dr. Linda S. Sheckler
Dr. Linda S. Sheckler is a founding member of the Voice4Centre PAC and a retiree living in Spring Township, Centre County, PA. She previously served as Head of the System Analysis and Simulation Division in the Undersea Weapons Office of the Applied Research Laboratory at Penn State. She holds two degrees from Penn State - a Ph.D. in Acoustics and a B.S. in Computer Science. Dr. Sheckler has over 29 years of modeling, simulation, and analysis experience in torpedo guidance and control.
Editor’s Note: This article is the last of four in a series from Dr. Sheckler that examines ERIC’s activities and origins as well as a look at other groups and individuals that influence voting integrity.
They are the elections.
I’ve often said that if Stalin had the GOP as “opposition “ the USSR could have had multi party elections. Stalin would never bother people who were harmless.
He would have been perfectly safe, as would have Communism.