Communism depends on the atomization of society. Nothing must stand between the state and the individual. The family unit must be destroyed. The individual must owe his or her only allegiance to the all-powerful state and the party which controls it.
But, perhaps, most of all, Communists must destroy religion. The idea that individuals might place their fate in anything other than the all-powerful, omnipresent government is anathema. It cannot be tolerated. You must stand powerless and alone in the face of your oppressor who owns you body and soul.
The Soviets set the example in this regard. As part of their effort to consolidate power in the new Soviet Union, they destroyed churches, synagogues, and mosques. They jailed and executed religious leaders. In place of belief in a creator, they did their best to substitute scientific atheism, which amounted to worship of the state and its leaders.
Our own modern-day American Marxists have the same playbook. Under the pretext that they are fighting for reproductive rights, they are launching a war on religion. Sunday was the start of the offensive to crush the church in America.
A Molotov cocktail was thrown into the Madison headquarters of the anti-abortion group Wisconsin Family Action early Sunday. Flames were reported coming from the building shortly after 6 am. The outside of the building also was sprayed with graffiti depicting an anarchy symbol, an anti-police slogan, and the phrase, “If abortions aren’t safe then you aren’t either.”

Wisconsin Family Action’s website indicates “It is the mission of Wisconsin Family Action to advance Judeo-Christian principles and values in Wisconsin by strengthening, preserving and promoting marriage, family life and liberty.” The website shows an explicitly religious organization focused on traditional Christian teaching and working with churches in Wisconsin.
On the same day that Wisconsin Family Action was firebombed groups attempted to disrupt church services at locations all over the country. At the Cathedral of Our Lady of the Angels in Los Angeles, left-wing protesters tried shutting down Sunday mass to protest in support of abortion. They were ultimately forced out by security & parishioners but not before they had entered the church in numbers and disrupted services.

In Seattle, a group of protesters attempted to force their way into Saint James Cathedral. They were ordered to leave but moved on to church property outside the church anyway. They were ultimately forced off the property by security guards.

In New York activists gathered outside the Basilica of Old Saint Patrick and attempted to disrupt services. The action included the yelling of profanities and an individual in a pink unitard jumping around with pink replicas of aborted fetuses yelling “I am killing the babies” and “God killed his son why can’t I?” The crowd accompanied the action by singing “Thank God for abortion.”

One of the primary groups pushing the rising violence against Christians in the United States is called Ruth Sent Us, which is largely a front for Marxist elements in the country. Its push for action by its supporters has an explicitly anti-Christian element to it. One of its messages online says “We’ll be burning the Eucharist to show our disgust for the abuse Catholic Churches have condoned for centuries.” The video pinned to the top of the Twitter account for Ruth Sent Us refers to the Bible as a “mythical book” and describes Christianity as “your God damned religion” and a “clown show.”

Crowds of protesters sent to Supreme Court justices’ homes over the weekend chanted explicitly anti-Christian slogans. In New York the police are now posting guards outside churches.

All indications are that this is only the beginning. Left-wing Twitter accounts around the country are encouraging more violence and publishing the addresses of other organizations around the country which work with women to find alternatives to abortion.

In Portland, Michael E. Bivins was just arrested and charged with multiple accounts of criminal mischief and arson. According to the police over the last ten days Bivins, a well-known anarchist, has attacked multiple synagogues and a Muslim community center.
What we are seeing is not protest. What we are seeing is not the work of disconnected local groups of concerned citizens. What we are seeing is an ongoing revolution with the intent of destroying the existing social, political and economic order. It exploded into view in the runup to the 2020 election and was aided and abetted by a new media which told us to ignore the obvious import of what we were seeing.
The target now is religion in America. Churches, synagogues, and mosques will burn. God himself is under attack.
Notice the cities these protests are happening in. No surprises here.