With increasing frequency over the course of the Biden administration, we have heard warnings of an impending constitutional crisis. We need sound the warnings no more. The crisis is here.
The immediate cause is the question of access to the Texas-Mexican border. Texas, fed up with federal “law enforcement” acting to facilitate illegal entry into the United States has asserted its control, strung razor wire, and told the feds to back off. The Biden administration has gone running to the Supreme Court, which has waded in and in a preliminary ruling advised that Texas cannot prevent the federal government from carrying out its constitutional responsibility for controlling the country’s borders.
Texas has responded by saying it fully intends to ignore the Supreme Court ruling and hold its course. The stage is now set for a direct confrontation between Washington and Austin. Multiple other states have already voiced their support for Texas in its confrontation with Washington.
Texas is right. The justices on the Supreme Court are wrong. They missed the point.
We don’t live in a monarchy. The federal government does not rule by divine right. It does not have unlimited power.
The federal government has only those powers given to it by the Constitution. Perhaps more importantly it can only use those powers for the purposes identified by the Constitution. The President is the Commander in Chief of the armed forces, but he can only use that authority on behalf of the people of the United States and to defend them from their enemies.
This President has decided to act in a blatantly unconstitutional fashion. He has ordered federal agencies to act in concert with our enemies and in a fashion calculated to harm American citizens. Under Joe Biden, the federal government is not simply failing to secure the border. It is actively working to break federal law and to aid and abet a foreign invasion of this nation.
Illegals entering this country do not arrive here completely under their own power. They are moved here across Central America via a series of camps connected in many cases by charter bus lines. These camps are operated by the United Nations but paid for largely by American taxpayers. IOM, the United Nations agency that is at the heart of this “conveyor belt” is effectively an arm of our State Department, and its chief Amy Pope was put in place by our government.
Amy thinks “migration” is a force for positive change. She is all about encouraging and expanding it. She wants to do everything in her power to bring as many people as possible here, and she does not care what our laws say.
Once illegals arrive at the border they are not turned away. They are met by Border Patrol which has been directed to act as the equivalent of Welcome Wagon. Illegals actively seek out Border Patrol and turn themselves in. They know they will be processed and released expeditiously.
Once processed and released illegals are then not only free to move into the interior of the country they are assisted in doing so by federal authorities. They are told to appear for hearings, which are set for as much as a decade in the future. They do not appear. No one looks for them. The entire exercise is a charade.
Despite security measures in place to prevent terrorist attacks on commercial aircraft illegals are allowed to travel by air without any form of identification other than the documents showing they were arrested for breaking our laws and crossing the border illegally. They are even allowed to refuse to be photographed by security if they so desire.
The illegals get backpacks, snacks, and cell phones.
If processing through security takes too long, special lines are opened up just for illegals.
You, my fellow American citizen, do not get any such consideration.
When moving illegals into the interior of the country via normal commercial flights proves impractical the federal government acts more directly. It contracts for flights dedicated exclusively to the movement of illegals around the country. You pay for that too,
According to the immigration watchdog group Federation for American Immigration Reform (FAIR), DHS was estimated to be providing “$363.8 million of taxpayer dollars” in Fiscal Year 2023 to NGOs and nonprofits to handle migrant arrivals. FAIR also noted that “it’s unclear how the money is actually spent by the NGOs and local governments.”
The President takes this oath upon assuming office.
"I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will faithfully execute the Office of President of the United States, and will to the best of my Ability, preserve, protect, and defend the Constitution of the United States."
None of the actions listed above are in accordance with this oath. Every single one of them is contrary to the Constitution. This President, acting as an absolute despot, is actively using the powers of the federal government against the American people to endanger our national security. The Supreme Court should have recognized that. It should have had the moral courage and integrity to say directly that a President cannot order actions specifically designed to harm the United States of America.
It did not. Texas has. Texas has opted to defy blatantly unconstitutional orders by the supposed Commander in Chief.
God Bless Texas.
As a Texan, I completely support Gov. Abbott and AG Paxton. The Supreme Court justices are totally insulated from the realities of the illegal invasion in complete defiance of our country's laws. Either the laws are enforced, or they are without meaning and anarchy prevails.
It is time for this to come to a head. Our justice department was specifically designated a lower position of authority by our framers because they are unelected bureaucrats, and thus disconnected to we the people. That has changed over the years because the democrats realized that since no one was holding anyone accountable, they could use activist judges to usurp Republican policy. It's not legal. It is blatantly unconstitutional. The only thing allowing it to happen is the apathy and indifference of the people.
So, kudos to Abbott! Game on! Everyone needs to pour their support to TX and stop this traitorous dictator in his tracks. I stop short of saying his name, because I'm not convinced it is really even him. But he needs to be arrested and charged with treason and aiding and abetting an invasion of the country. Frankly, anything less is not enough.