The media outlets and tech giants that collectively form the propaganda arm of the Democratic Party can do many things. They can cover up a criminal influence-peddling scheme that reaches to the White House. They can turn a half-naked anarchist who lives in a school bus into a MAGA extremist and follower of Donald Trump. They can pretend that a non-existent border is under our “operational control.”
They can alter perception on a scale never seen before. Unfortunately, for them, they cannot change reality.
In Europe, that reality is getting very ugly. The only question is how soon it comes crashing in here.
The same mad climate alarmist policies that are wrecking the American economy are destroying Europe. The obsession with Ukraine and Russian sanctions has only made things worse. The European economy is in trouble. Fuel is increasingly expensive and hard to find. Winter is approaching.
German authorities are now preparing for possible emergency deliveries of cash in case of blackouts that shut down power. Major banks in that country are considering limiting withdrawals. Consideration is being given to prioritizing certain types of bank withdrawals. For instance, fuel distributors might be given priority so that oil and gas can continue to move in a crisis.
All of this is based on the idea that fuel shortages may cause the electrical grid to crash. In such a case no one would be able to access their accounts or funds electronically. Banking in Germany would return to the way it was prior to the existence of electricity and computers. No online banking. No bank machines.
The German meat industry is warning of impending supply bottlenecks, especially concerning pork, and a board member is blaming policies of the German government intended to encourage a transition to a plant-based food supply.
“In four, five, six months, we will have nothing on the shelves,” predicts Hubert Kelliger, head of group sales at the large butcher Westfleisch and also a member of the board of the Meat Industry Association (VDF).
Paradoxically, as meat shortages loom activists are pushing for a 56% tax on beef to drive down consumption even more. In Germany, food prices have already jumped 40% this year alone.
“The current federal government would like to abolish animal husbandry and switch the diet in Germany to vegetables and oatmeal,” Kellinger said.
“We should eat less meat overall and make sure it comes from animals that are kept in a species-appropriate manner,” said Cem Ozdemir, Federal Minister of Food and Agriculture. He added that at a minimum Germans should be “adapting meat consumption to planetary boundaries and for the sake of our health.”
This kind of madness is going on all across Europe and people have had enough of it. In virtually every country on the continent people are in the streets protesting the impact of globalist policies on their standard of living and livelihoods.
The European Union’s annual inflation rate is currently 10.9%, compared to 3.6% this time last year. This is primarily driven by Washington’s policies which have cut Europe off from cheap Russian natural gas. The very real possibility of Europeans freezing to death in their homes is looming.
The Europeans taking to the streets come from all walks of life and all points of the political compass. In Italy, demonstrators are demanding peace in Ukraine and an end to military aid shipments. Last month in Prague there were mass demonstrations demanding the same thing. In the Czech Republic, the inflation rate is 17.8%. In parts of Europe, it is over 20%.
And, now, we see that on top of already out-of-control inflation, the same fears of energy shortages are appearing here in the U.S. New York and New England have already announced that they are rationing heating oil.
Stockpiles of heating oil are currently at 30% of normal levels. Winter has not even started yet.
Heating oil will be hard to find. It will also be much more expensive. Heating oil in New York currently sells for a little over $4 a gallon. This time last year it was $2.46. The average consumer has a 275-gallon fuel oil tank at his home. The wholesale cost of the oil to fill that tank is now $1,125. It is anybody’s guess how high the retail cost – what the consumer pays – will go.
Fuel oil is not the only energy source in short demand. Supplies of diesel are also dangerously low.
Fuel supplier Mansfield Energy recently stated the obvious.
"A tight diesel supply will force prices to go up, which will eventually make it too expensive for some people."
The economy is already contracting. The tech companies that have been the mainstay of the economy in recent years are laying people off in large numbers. Amazon is the most recent firm to announce mass layoffs.
Amazon’s announcement came after a whole range of other Silicon Valley firms took similar actions. The NYSE FANG+ Index, a collection of tech stocks including Facebook, Apple, Amazon, Netflix, and Alphabet's Google, has collapsed 42% from its 2021 peak.
In Europe, they are already facing the harsh possibility of a winter without power and fuel. Here in the United States, we are only a few steps behind. The propagandists may do their best to conceal the truth in a desperate bid to preserve the power of the Democratic Party. Sooner or later, however, reality will intrude.
Europe is sliding over the cliff. We are only steps behind.
Europeans seem to get off their couches more readily than we Americans. Wonder what they'll do when they reach the breaking point. Heck, wonder what we will do. Me thinks the Biden administration is just waiting for the other shoe to drop to declare martial law.