Dutch farmers' protest continue day and night unabated. Tonight on the A50 motorway in Apeldoorn. Dutch farmers are not joking.

Dutch farmers have taken an almost war like posture against the globalists that are still hell bent on causing the Great Reset.
Fires, dropping manure on the roads, and other protests.
They aren't playing games.

Dutch Farmers Resisting - you may ask yourself "why isn't my mainstream media even mentioning this?"

‘The Place is on Fire‘: Dutch Farmer Road Blockades, Hay Fires Continue breitbart.com/europe/2022/07… via @BreitbartNews Good for you guys. Stand up to government Gestapo stop them now they had it to good for to long. Hip Hip hooray

Taking a page out of fellow WEF comrade Justin Trudeau’s book, Dutch PM Mark Rutte has decided to label nationwide farmer protests as “small” and “unacceptable.”