We all know the syndrome. You’re in a bad relationship or working a dead-end job or wasting time with friends who aren’t really friends. You make a vow to change direction and walk a new path. Then, before you know it, you start making excuses again, talk yourself into doing something you know is ill-advised, and before you know it you are back where you started.
Such is the danger in Pennsylvania right now with the U.S. Senate race and Dr. Oz.
All across the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, a massive Patriot movement has rocked the state’s Republican Party. People are sick of politics as usual. They are sick of being lied to. They are done with smooth-talking, do-nothing charlatans. They want real change.
And, yet, here we are on the cusp of the state’s primary election, and Dr. Mehmet Oz is threatening to win the election and become the Republican nominee for U.S Senator. You would have to work hard to find a man less in line with the leanings of the Republican base in Pennsylvania.
In the midst of an epic fight against Joe Biden and the most radical leftist agenda in American history, Oz distinguished himself by offering gushing congratulations to Biden on his election and seemingly trying to hitch his wagon to Biden’s star.
“Growing up, Joe Biden and I went to rival high schools and both played football. Biden went to Archmere Academy, and I played for Tower Hill, albeit at different times…Sports teach us about the sacrifice needed to unify individuals into teams. Rivalries push us to excel—they teach us about the passion and confidence needed to win, and most importantly, the resilience needed to re-enter the arena after failure. From one athlete to another—congratulations, President Biden.”
When not praising Biden, Oz has spent his time congratulating the Communist Chinese on their COVID lockdowns and telling us we need to be more like them.
“We just have to copy what they did, take their blueprint and repeat it here in this country… I think a week from now we’ll start to see the benefits of what many would call draconian actions, shutting down all public gatherings,” Oz concluded.

Oz has also promoted the transgender ideology now infiltrating our schools and championing radical sex-change surgery for children. That means cutting off genitals and removing breasts in the interest of aligning a child’s body with his or her “gender identity.”
Review Oz’s record of comments on a wide range of issues and you find no trace of an individual remotely in line with the sentiment of most Republican voters in Pennsylvania. His comments on abortion show a strong concern for the “right to choose” and very little concern for the lives of unborn children. When the topic of guns comes up, he defaults to standard liberal talking points about the need for stricter gun laws. On illegal immigration, his singular focus has been on the so-called “Dreamers” and not on border security.

For good measure, we should add that Dr. Oz does not even live in Pennsylvania. He is a resident of New Jersey. He used his son-in-law’s address to shoehorn his way into qualifying as.a Pennsylvania resident. He voted for the first time ever in Pennsylvania last year. Even then he voted by absentee ballot.

In short, Oz is not a resident of Pennsylvania, and he has virtually nothing in common with the people who form the base of the Republican Party in the state. He is a filthy rich television personality who decided to run for office, identified what he thought was an opportunity to win the Senate seat in Pennsylvania, and parachuted into the Commonwealth with a boatload of cash and a made-for-television set of new attitudes and conservative principles.
This is an old movie. We have seen it many times before. A charlatan buys his way into the office smiling for the camera and telling the people what they want to hear. Then after the election, he settles into his office on Capitol Hill, discards his campaign promises without a second thought, and becomes a part of the Swamp that oppresses and impoverishes the American people.
That much we know. What we don’t know yet is whether or not the people of Pennsylvania will fall for this tired old trick yet again, or whether this time they will walk away, take a different path and opt for real change. We can only hope so.
His name may be Oz, but there is no Emerald City at the end of the path down which he will lead us.
One of the enduring mysteries of the universe is the process through which President Trump decides who to endorse.
I don't live in PA, but face a similar dilemma in FL (Rubio / Scott are RINO's). FWIW, my response is when there was a MAGA challenger in a primary, I will still write them in the general election. It may be a throw-away vote, or even help let the Democrat win -- but years of "voting for the lesser of two evils" has proven only to buttress Mitch McConnell's posse (as well as the Paul Ryan - Kevin McCarthy posse).
If there was no MAGA primary candidate, I plan to write-in "NONE." For the same reason(s).
So grateful for your insight. Please continue