“Ranking Member James Comer and Oversight Committee Republicans are investigating the domestic and international business dealings of President Biden’s son, Hunter Biden, and other Biden associates and family members to determine whether these activities compromise U.S. national security and President Biden’s ability to lead with impartiality. Hunter and other members of the Biden family have a pattern of peddling access to the highest levels of government to enrich themselves. We are committed to following Hunter Biden and Biden family and associates’ money trail—consisting of many complex, international transactions worth millions of dollars—and providing answers to the American people. The American people deserve to know whether the President’s connections to his family’s business deals occurred at the expense of American interests and whether they represent a national security threat.”
The House of Representatives appears to have passed into Republican hands. The GOP has already announced plans to launch an investigation of Joe Biden and his associates and their dealings with foreign enemies. To the extent much of the media is covering this at all it is being characterized as a look into possible corruption.
That is not what is happening at all. Finally, despite the best efforts of the “mainstream” press to bury the issue and the Federal Bureau of Investigation to avoid doing its job, we are going to take a look at the elephant in the room.
Is Joe Biden himself compromised by the Chinese Communist Party? Do we have a man in the White House who is working for our number one enemy on the planet? Have we allowed a Manchurian President to gain power?
Once upon at a time, the thought would have seemed fantastic. No longer. In fact, any objective review of what we know should have set off alarm bells long, long ago. Joe Biden couldn’t get a job on the loading dock at the CIA based on the information in our possession. Yet, he sits in the highest office in the land.
Hunter Biden served as the bag man for a vast influence-peddling scheme. He traveled the globe. He took in vast sums of money. Literally, billions of dollars from Communist China ended up in Hunter’s hands.

Hunter has no visible skills. He is a deeply disturbed individual with a substance abuse problem who was thrown out of the U.S. Navy for cocaine use. He was given all of the money he collected for one reason. The individuals and governments forking over the cash wanted access to Joe Biden.
Joe’s claims that he knew nothing of Hunter’s dealings are laughable. Multiple whistleblowers have established Joe’s direct connection to Hunter’s activities.
Many of those individuals who gave cash to Hunter were directly connected to Chinese intelligence. Hunter himself has been tied closely to Chinese intelligence activities inside this country. China is not a free nation. Any major figure or company in China that is dealing with the top levels of American society is doing so with the blessing of and at the direction of the Chinese Communist Party. There has in fact been direct evidence that Xi Jinping himself sanctioned Chinese contacts with the Bidens.
Every action Joe Biden has taken since he sat down in the White House has been to the detriment of American national security and to the benefit of the Chinese Communist Party:
- Biden has waged what amounts to a holy war on the American fossil fuel industry.
- Biden has drained our strategic oil reserve.
- Biden has engaged in ruinous spending which has engendered ruinous levels of inflation.
- Biden withdrew us precipitously from Afghanistan, creating a terrorist super state and handing over the strategic base at Bagram to China.
- Biden has now involved us in a costly protracted involvement in the Ukrainian war, a conflict with only marginal strategic implications for the United States. In the process, he has drained our war stocks of critical weapons systems and munitions. It will take years before our Department of Defense can replace these items. In the interim, if we go to war, it will be our own soldiers who are unarmed and incapable of fighting effectively.
- Biden has abandoned all control over the southern border. Fentanyl is flooding our nation and killing our citizens by the hundreds of thousands. The chemicals the cartels use to make fentanyl come from China. Biden has done nothing to push back on the Chinese or to respond to what amounts to a prolonged weapons of mass destruction attack on the United States.
The Chinese Communist Party operates a massive worldwide effort to coopt foreign elites. The CCP refers to it as “elite capture.” This is not a theory. This is not a myth. This is documented fact, and we have tracked these activities abroad for many years.
Everything we know about the dealings between the Bidens and the CCP fits precisely with the template we have for Chinese elite capture operations. Were we to have the same evidence available to us concerning any other nation on the planet we would have no hesitation about saying that the Chinese had effectively gained control over that country’s government. We have avoided saying out loud what is patently obvious only based on crass political considerations.
It is time to put those aside. It is time to ask the single, most important question before us today. Do the Chinese own the White House?
Yes, they control the White House (I believe using B. Hussein Obama / Susan Rice / Valerie Jarrett as the domestic handlers / middlemen).
Mike Lindell has documented massive real-time data traffic between U.S. election machines and mainland China during the 2020 election (coup).
And it's not just the Biden's that are captured elites (IMHO). Mitch McConnell is suspect. Ditto Diane Feinstein, Eric Swalwell, the current leadership of the CIA, FBI and Pentagon. And that all may be just the tip of the iceberg.