DHS Steps Up Requests For Federal Employees To Volunteer At The Border
How many illegals is DHS expecting?
The Biden Administration via the Department Of Homeland Security (DHS) put out a call on 16 May to DHS employees to encourage them to volunteer at the border - and other areas across the U.S. - to “deal with a massive increase in family unit apprehensions.” However, a confidential source to AND Magazine advises that other federal agencies’ employees are now being asked to “volunteer” as well. What this means, in effect, is that DHS apparently cannot handle the increase in “family unit” apprehensions and that the numbers coming across the border are increasing rapidly. Also, despite the use of the word “volunteer”, this does not mean this is unpaid work - all federal employees applying to “volunteer” to assist with the illegal surge must get their supervisor to approve them working under DHS in this effort. They are still drawing their federal paycheck.
“Family unit apprehensions in this sector are up over 754 percent compared to the previous fiscal year to date,” said Del Rio Sector Acting Chief Patrol Agent Randy Davis. “The DHS volunteer force comes at a time when the extra help is needed and appreciated.”
The DHS volunteer force is comprised of government employees within the department and will be assigned to various stations throughout the sector. They will serve in support roles such as administration, property management, and will assist in the care of those in custody. In addition to the volunteer force, a number of U.S. Customs and Border Protection Officers and teams of Homeland Security Investigation Special Agents will be assisting Del Rio Sector agents with processing and investigations.
There have been 11,840 family unit apprehensions in the Del Rio Border Patrol Sector for Fiscal Year 2019 to date (April 30), which is a 754 percent increase compared to the Fiscal Year 2018 to date. However, an estimated 6,000 people have crossed illegally through Del Rio Sector’s area of responsibility and have not been apprehended. This is due, in part, to the increase in family unit apprehensions, which requires more agents to process and care for those in custody.
This “volunteer” at the border call expansion to other federal agencies signals that they are expecting perhaps more than the 15,000 illegals who many are claiming will surge the southern border in the next several days.
Why does the embedded quote reference fiscal year 2019 as current?