Delaware County PA – Inside the Theft of an Election?
Most of the talk concerning elections in the mainstream media concerns access to the polling place. The only real issue confronting us we are told is the challenge of guaranteeing as many people can vote as possible. Lost in this myopic view is the broader question of election integrity. Perhaps no place in the country demonstrates that more clearly than Delaware County, Pennsylvania where the best you can say is no one knows who won the 2020 election.
The truth is that elections are complex and require the same kind of rigor and accounting procedures as are required in a court of law to prove a “chain of custody.” It is not enough to say that a certain number of people voted in a particular state for a particular candidate. Election officials must be able to show conclusively via detailed records precisely who those people were, where they voted, when they voted, and that all those people were legally entitled to vote.
In Delaware County, Pennsylvania, for the 2020 election, it does not appear the election officials involved can even come close to doing that.
Leah Hoopes, Ruth Moton, and Gregory Stenstrom have filed suit against Delaware County disputing the results of the 2020 election in Delaware County.
Their allegations are numerous and the evidence they have amassed to support their effort to have the election results thrown out is massive. It is, in fact, staggering not only the number of problems they have identified but also the often cavalier attitude of the election officials involved.
The case filed by the plaintiffs alleges that Delaware County officials and employees, as well as the former Secretary of State of Pennsylvania, conspired to destroy, secrete, and hide numerous election law violations to prevent the discovery of November 3, 2020 election law violations and fraud that took place during the election and certification process. The video evidence the plaintiffs have presented alone makes a very compelling case that all of that is true.
In one video taken by a whistleblower working with the plaintiffs, Delaware County employee Tom Gallagher tells James Allen the Director of Elections for Delaware County, “All the Return Sheets are fucked up.” Return Sheets are official election documents containing precinct vote totals, machine serial number data, and blank ballot information for chain of custody. Allen responds,” I know there’s nothing we can do about that. Do you think they are straight anywhere in the fucking country?” Allen then shakes his head no and says, “Trust me.”
If you don’t have Return Sheets that are properly documented and reliable you can’t certify a vote total. If you can’t do that, you can’t declare anyone the winner of an election. You have no idea what actually happened.
In another video also provided by a whistleblower, James Savage, the Chief Supervisor of the Voting Machine Warehouse in Delaware County, and James Allen, Director of Elections for Delaware County are seen discussing a recent Right-To-Know request seeking information regarding the election. Allen directs Savage to get rid of “the pads and the second ballot scanners.” Savage responds by saying, “we can’t talk about that anymore.” Allen asks why, and Savage responds with, “It’s a felony.”
Officials apparently needed to get rid of the items in question in order to head off Right to Know Requests. Apparently, a comparison of the data from the election machines to other election documents and scanner tapes would show that the information was in conflict and could not be reconciled.
That video alone is almost mind-blowing. It shows the order being given to destroy evidence that had to be preserved by law. It also shows that the participants were fully aware that what they were doing was a serious crime.
Yet another undercover whistleblower video shows a discussion amongst election officials about the way in which ballots were scanned and tabulated during the 2020 election. One of them explains that given the irregularities in the process there was “no way you could reconcile.” In other words, it was impossible to actually produce a chain of custody for the votes in question and determine where they were cast and by whom. That being the case, none of these votes could legally be counted, and yet they all were.
Still more undercover videos appear to show election officials physically destroying election records to prevent their discovery and joking about getting a “campfire going” to destroy evidence. When questioned about the legality of the destruction of the records, the officials in question dismissed the value of the information being erased and pressed ahead with the destruction of material necessary to understand what really happened in the election.
The foundation of our constitutional republic is the integrity of our electoral system. If we do not have confidence in that we have nothing. The evidence presented in the Delaware County case does not inspire confidence. It suggests what we are really looking at is the theft of an election.