Lt. Col. (Ret.) James Zumwalt
Lt. Col. James Zumwalt is a retired Marine infantry officer who served in the Vietnam War, the 1989 intervention into Panama and Desert Storm. He is a senior analyst for Ravenna Associates and heads a security consulting firm named after his father: Admiral Zumwalt & Consultants, Inc.
British surgeon Dr. Sam Parnia, having conducted extensive research on a broad range of mental experiences related to death, affirmatively proclaims that death does not annihilate the soul. While numerous near death experiences exist, documenting the existence of an afterlife, another part of the debate supporting the soul/body dichotomy, although much less prevalent, are cases of pre-birth experiences.
Pioneer pre-birth researcher Sarah Hintze tells us, ”Our research indicates that there is a continuity of self, that the ‘same you’ progresses through each of the three life stages – life before life, earth life and life after death” adding that, "In a typical pre-birth experience, a spirit not yet born into mortality crosses over from the pre-earth life or heavenly realm and appears to or communicates with someone on earth.”
If we accept the belief that a soul departs the human body upon death, then we also must accept the belief that a soul enters into it at some point after conception occurs. But, in accepting such a life equation above, we are left not knowing whether a spirit has any role in selecting a fetus of its own choice or whether it simply inhabits a fetus of a Heavenly Entity's choosing.

One would like to believe, assuming the former is true and logic prevails, spirits would select a nation of birth offering their human form the greatest earth-bound opportunities. While America has enjoyed a long history as the land of opportunity, distinguishing itself from most other members of the world community, the U.S. might therefore be high on every spirit’s wish list to commence its material life. However, much has happened over the last several years to diminish our country’s marketing image within the spirit world.
Take, for example, America’s 1973 Supreme Court ruling in Roe vs. Wade in which it was determined a woman’s right to abort a fetus trumps the right of the fetus to survive. A spirit considering a birth nation could immediately see, based on the fact that over sixty-three million abortions have occurred in America since 1973, there is a risk of having one’s life end before it really even begins.
Another factor of concern for a spirit's selection process is the fetish here about teaching young students the transgender lifestyle. While efforts have been made in some states to ban any discussions of sexual orientation and gender identity, critics have wrongly attacked proposed legislation doing so as a “Don’t Say Gay” bill when its genesis is simply to ban sex education of any type upon innocent minds, leaving such education to the parents.
Spirits contemplating the nation in which to ‘touch down’ would see the negative impact a liberal teaching agenda has had in one New Jersey middle school. The teacher there boasted that two-thirds of her fourth grade class suddenly ‘came out’ to her after a week of LGBT teaching, which she felt was insufficient time even to discuss the topic. This is almost ten times the national average and strongly suggests her students who decided to come out were more motivated to please her by doing so than to make an honest revelation of their sexual orientation preference.
Spiritual concerns might also focus on the outrageous fact that while important responsibilities in life such as driving, voting, serving in the military, etc., are denied to minors for obvious reasons, the federal government, under President Joe Biden, is now allowing children to make decisions about changing their gender–decisions impacting upon them for the rest of their lives – at a minority age and to receive assistance to help make the transition.
Recently, the White House took the position of encouraging reassignment surgery, puberty blockers and hormone therapy for transgender minors. The Department of Health and Human Services released documents describing as appropriate treatments for transgender adolescents “Top surgery–to create male-typical chest shape or enhance breasts” and “Bottom surgery–surgery on genitals or reproductive organs, facial feminization or other procedures.”
Not only must there undoubtedly be concerns within the spirit world over America’s trajectory, there are clear concerns within the physical world as well. This is evidenced by the fact the vast majority of parents today (73%) are worried about their children’s spiritual well-being.
It is doubtful America remains a top nation of choice for earth-bound spirits. However, should some still opt to do so, it is hoped, in recognizing that the outrageous policies above are pushed by liberal Democrats, they will choose to take their human form as Republicans.
The grooming toward deviant forms of sexuality occurring in public schools (and the broader culture) is something that only minions of Satan could come up with.
That said, I believe that it's part of a larger (also Satanic) effort to atomize society, so that each individual is unmoored not just from their normal gender and behavior associated therewith, but also from the nuclear family, our history, the tenets of Western Civilization and, most importantly, from Christianity.
Such unmoored individuals are then ripe targets for manipulation, and recruitment into ... also being minions of Satan (whether wittingly or not).
Excellent article, thank you