Karl Marx, one of the two authors of the Communist Manifesto the founding document of Communism advocated for the abolition of the family. He condemned it openly as an institution that really only existed among the bourgeoisie. He looked forward to the day when the family would no longer exist in the workers’ paradise he was striving to create.
“The bourgeois family will vanish as a matter of course when its complement vanishes, and both will vanish with the vanishing of capital.”
Marx never achieved his goal. His intellectual offspring are well on their way to doing so, however, and it is happening right here in the United States.
The California state legislature is considering a bill that would allow children 12 and older to take vaccines without parental consent. Senate Bill 866 , would allow California teens to receive any vaccine that is approved by the Food and Drug Administration and recommended by the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices without the consent of a parent or guardian. Under existing law, minors ages 12-17 cannot be vaccinated without parental consent.
The bill’s sponsor told lawmakers Thursday that this bill “is not only about the COVID vaccine,” but would apply to a range of immunizations. “Empowering young people with the autonomy to receive life-saving vaccines, regardless of their parents’ beliefs or work schedules, is essential to keeping students in school and for their physical and mental health,” he said.
In Florida, a mother is suing her daughter’s school, because she discovered that teachers and administrators had launched a 'transgender support plan' without asking for parental consent. The woman’s daughter (who was 13 years old) had apparently begun questioning her sexual orientation after a number of her friends became obsessed with LGBTQ issues. School officials then, without any consent from the girl’s parents or even notification to them began to meet with the girl and discuss changing her name, having her use the boy’s bathroom, and even transitioning from female to male.

This kind of school behavior is not an aberration. School districts all over the country have formal policies empowering their personnel to step in, ignore parents and create “transition plans.”

In Haverford Township near Philadelphia for example the school district has had in place since 2017 – Policy 259. Pursuant to this policy, school staff can use taxpayer funds, without parental consent, to create social and medical “transition plans” for students who are “gender-confused” and want hormone drug injections and “gender reassignment” surgery. This policy permits the school to coordinate with health care providers and licensed professionals, seek Medicaid funding, and file “health insurance claims,” all without informing parents until it is too late to reverse. School personnel are in fact forbidden to disclose information about the “gender identity” the child claims to the parents of the child.
Schools all over the country have “clubs” called Gay Straight Aliances (GSA). The ostensible purpose of these clubs is to promote tolerance and interaction between gay and straight students. In reality, these “clubs” are used to push a transgender ideology. Teachers actively discuss how to coordinate hiding what actually goes on in these clubs. Specifically, parents are excluded from having any insight into GSA activities.
(Editor’s note: The video below is from a group of teachers discussing children in the fifth grade attending GSA clubs.)

These are examples only. Across a broad front on a range of issues what is being pushed is the idea that it is the state, not the parent who has authority over children. Parents no longer make the key decisions about the welfare of their children. Government does that. The state does that.
Yet, even that statement does not fully convey the import of what is happening. This is not simply a matter of the self-appointed elite thinking it knows better than parents what to do with their children. What we are seeing is a direct attack on the institution of the family itself.
In the current environment, in fact, parents are the enemy. They represent the “patriarchy.” They are the embodiment of the racist “colonial settler” monstrosity that is the United States. For the true believers in control of the educational system the idea that these parents who built the evil, oppressive, white supremacist menace of the USA would be allowed to make key decisions about their biological offspring is not simply laughable it is obscene. If there is to be any hope of these young people growing up to be good comrades and do their part to take us into that great Marxist future, they must be taken under the wing of the state and taught how to think and act correctly.
What you are seeing now is the beginning of a process. It is only the beginning. How far it goes depends on what we do now and how hard we push back.
But the child at 12 years old who supposedly can make these life changing decisions, can still be classified as a child at 26 on their parents' health care plan.
I never ever believed that this twisted and absurd thinking would become prominent in this country. I think that after all the media hit pieces on the Catholic church pedophilia claims, people moved away from the church, leaving social media to determine morals. Then, of course, all the homosexual inclusion into the church destroyed those remaining, me included. God is constant and His laws are to be obeyed, not interpreted to a kinder, gentler meaning. Do so at your own peril.