One of the most remarkable things about the current reality is the extent to which facts and developments are simply ignored. Entire crises are air-brushed away in furtherance of covering for the roaring dumpster fire that is the Biden Presidency.
Witness the crisis regarding Iran’s nuclear weapons program.
“In 2018 … it would have taken Iran about twelve months to produce one bomb’s worth of fissile material. Now it would take about twelve days.”
Colin Kahl, U.S. Under Secretary of Defense for Policy speaking to Congress on February 28, 2023

If you deal in the business of weapons of mass destruction and attempting to stop the proliferation of nuclear weapons you understand one thing. The only meaningful impediment to the acquisition of nuclear weapons is acquiring a sufficient quantity of highly enriched uranium (HEU) to make a bomb. The first nuclear weapon was detonated in 1945. The required engineering to make a bomb is widely known. There is nothing secret about the physics involved.
Enriching naturally occurring uranium and turning it into bomb-grade HEU however requires a lot of work, a lot of time, and a significant amount of infrastructure. This is the challenge. This is what separates those who want the bomb from those who have it.
The available intelligence strongly suggests that the Iranians completed all the necessary engineering work to build a bomb years ago. It also suggests that they are fully capable of putting a nuclear warhead onto one of several types of missiles in their possession and launching it. The only thing that has prevented them from being able to do so has been the lack of a sufficient quantity of HEU to build a weapon.
We are at most 12 days from that no longer being true. In less than two weeks the mad ayatollahs in Tehran will likely be able to unleash hellfire on their enemies.
Keep in mind that the official position of the Iranian state is that Israel must be cleansed from the map. The ayatollahs do not seek coexistence. They seek to dominate the planet and annihilate their enemies.
Israel understands this. Tel Aviv has stated many times that it will not accept a nuclear Iran. It will strike first in a desperate attempt to prevent Iran from completing its quest for a nuclear weapon.

There is no guarantee that an Israeli strike would be successful. The Iranian nuclear program is hardened against attack. Key sites are underground. The Israelis lack many of the logistical capabilities required to sustain an air attack on the scale that would be required.

All eyes are on the United States. In yet another part of the world, we stand on the precipice of disaster. And, yet, predictably enough, Washington apparently intends to do nothing.
The Europeans are pushing for action. Washington is resisting such calls and advocating more dialogue. “This matter is of great concern and we are thinking about how to react to this incident,” says Linda Thomas-Greenfield, U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations recently.
Don’t think too long Madame Ambassador. In 12 days Iran may be able to nuke Tel Aviv and wipe Israel off the map.
What a mess stolen elections have made. Of course the double down began with BHO, and his unleashing of the Arab Spring, then sending pallets of cash to be left on the tarmac in Tehran.
My history book declares Iran (Persia) will be in existence in the last day. So will Israel. It also says there will be a war or two, and Damascus must suffer a debilitating blow. How will all this play out? Only God knows. But no doubt the world is on fire due to lack of leadership, cool heads and a hatred of America. Both from inside and out. My advice is be ready, align yourself with Jesus.
Your correct brother.